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BACHALO, CHRIS / TOWNSEND both signed - X-Men #145 cover recreation, Wolverine, drawn 2006
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!
BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #23 pg 10, 4th Alan Moore issue! - Swampy comes out of fugue to remember newly revealed origin, splashy montage into face
BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #23 pg 14, 3rd Issue of team ! - Swampy reaction to origin, Abby
BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #26 pg 14, signed by all 3! Abby at nut house
$For Sale
BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #29 pg 10, Abby, Matt / Arcane, signed by Bissette
$For Sale
BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #35 pg 12, four big panels with great close-up of Swampy!
BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #36 pg 15, Chapter page: Billy Hatcher - Nuk-face, signed
$For Sale
BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #44 pgs 2 & 3 RARE double spread splash! Swamp Thing, Abby + Clive Barker's Books of Blood
$For Sale
BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #46 pg 13, ST, Constantine, Phantom Stranger + uncensored Sugar & Spike
$SOLD- looking to buy or trade for more
BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #46 splashy montage pg 7, Swamp Thing in a psycho trip, signed
BISSETTE, STEVE & TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #36 pg 9, young couple, Nuk face, signed Bissette
$For Sale
BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLBEN - Swampthing #50 giant issue, pg 32, Spectre defeated
$For Sale
BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - MOORE- Swamp Thing #46 pg 14, Swampy, Constantine, E4 Lex Luthor
$for sale
BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #45 Cover + complete story Winchester Mystery House, Supernatural Crisis 1986
$for sale
BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #46 pg 14, Swampy, Constantine, E4 Luthor
$For sale or trade
BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #50 final cover & prelim cover, ST and key DC supernatural Heroes
$For Sale
BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swampthing #50 cover + prelim cover, ST & key DC supernatural Heroes
$For Trade or cash offers
TOTLEBEN, JOHN & BILL SIENKIEWICZ - Swamp Thing #59 cover, Abby & Patchwork Man / Frankenstein's monster
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - ALAN MOORE' Miracle Man #11 semi-splash pg 14, 1st by John, Alien, cameo 1st Miracle Woman (hands)
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - ALAN MOORE' Miracle Man #12 cover, revived Marvel Man series, Miracle Woman, Dr. Gargunza, Young Nastyman
$For Trade / offers
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - ALAN MOORE' Miracle Man #12 pg 14, revived Marvel Man - M.Man, Miracle Woman, Warpsmiths & master aliens
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #60 double splash pgs 8-9, Space-born ST with clock parts
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - ALAN MOORE's - Miracle Man #13 pg 14, MM, wife & Miracle-baby 1987
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - ALAN MOORE's Miracle Man #11 pg 13, 1st by John, Alien as human, Mrs Miracle-Man & Miracle-Baby
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - ALAN MOORE's Miracle Man #11 pg 9, 1st Issue by John, MM battles aliens
$For key trade or sale- email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #53 half-splash pg 31, villain plots, photos of Swampthing & Abby
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #60 double splash pgs 18-19
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$For Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #60 double splash pgs 18-19, EC themed Space seed
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #60 double splash pgs 8-9, Space-born ST with clock parts
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #60 splash 20, Space-borne - witch watch parts
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$For Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #60 splash pg 20 Space-born ST
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Buffy the Vampire Slayer #27 cover, great Buffy image - poster style
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Oz #2 cover
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Oz #2 cover
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Dreaming #33 page 3 title splash
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Dreaming #33 page 4
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Dreaming #33 page 7
$Trad or sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS' TARZAN: Return of Tarzan #1 cover 1997
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS' TARZAN: The Return of Tarzan #3 cover large painting 1997
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Grimjack #14 page 3 Mundoon's Bar back-up
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Grimjack #14 page 4 Mundoon's Bar back-up
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - he Spectre #15 or #16 large first painted cover, Hal Jordan Spectre in space 2002
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Miracleman #12 page 14, Marvel Man, Miracle Woman and key aliens
$Email for price
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - MOORE Swamp Thing #48 pg 23, Constantine, Judith strips & becomes bird
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Spectre #15 or #16, Unused Painted Cover, Hal Jorden Spectre in space 2002
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Spectre #56 cover, Spectre as Cylops from Greek myth. 1997
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #48 pg 19, large close-up Constantine beaten & girlfriend, signed
$For sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #48 pg 23, Constantine, Judith strips & becomes bird
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #48 semi-splash pg 20, large Swamp Thing, signed
$For sale or great trade!
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #53 pg 34, Swampthing & Abby unite briefly
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #53 pg 8, Swampthing's psychedelic tubers & cops
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #53 pg 9, Swampthing in Gotham, Lex Luthor plots in 10 minutes
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #55 pg 6, by Alan Moore - Abby finds Swamp Thing
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #55 pg 7, by Alan Moore - Abby holds Swamp Thing
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #55 pg 8, by Alan Moore - Swamp Thing reappears to Abby
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #55 pg 9, by Alan Moore - Swamp Thing holds Abby
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #60 larger pg 20 splash, Space-bourne, with watch parts, signed
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #60 splash pg 4, space borne
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #80 cover pencil preliminary art of just the Swamp Thing . Background and Abby are production image
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #80 cover, first pencil preliminary art of just the Swamp Thing figure
$for sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #84 painted cover, Abby, Matt dies & becomes Sandman' Raven, early Sandman 1989
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #84 painted cover, Abby, Matt dies & becomes Sandman's Raven, early Sandman cross-over
$FOR sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #88 cover pencil art for cover painting, Swampthing over skulls
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #95 cover pencil art for cover painting, Swampthing & his babies
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing cover designs
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swampthing #53 pg 22, Batman & Gordon face bug swarm
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Tarzan #20 cover concept Tarzan vs the Moon Men
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Universe X: Captain America #1 splashy panel. large pg 6, older Cap
$for Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #10 cover, Good Girl art
$for Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #11 cover, Good Girl art
$for Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #12 page 5
$For Sale or Trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #12 pg 19 semi-splash
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 11
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 12
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 14
Please Inquire
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 16
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 18
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 19
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 2
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 20
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 21
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 6
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 7
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Vermillion #8 page 9
$Sale or trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN / RICK VEITCH - ALAN MOORE' Swamp Thing #31 pg 11, Swampy carries dead Abby past demons - signed by all 3!
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN / RICK VEITCH - Swamp Thing #37 pg 11, Swampy Abby + 1st John Constantine, Emma & Invunche 1985
$For Trade
TOTLEBEN, JOHN / RICK VEITCH - Swamp Thing #37 Title pg 1 growth patterns, Abby, plant life
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN / TOM YEATES - Universe X: Captain America #1 pg 6, older Cap & new Cap
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN / WOCH - Swamp Thing #38 pg 10, Abby, 2nd appearance Constantine
$For sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN / YEATES - Universe X: Beasts #1 pg 19, future X-Men & Hulk
$For Sale
TOTLEBEN, JOHN / YEATES - Universe X: Captain America #1 pg 20, future Cap
$For Sale
VEITCH, RICK & JOHN TOTLEBEN signed - 1963 #5 pg 17, Horus-Lord of Light ala Thor
$For Sale
VEITCH, RICK & JOHN TOTLEBEN signed - 1963 #5 pg 20, Alan Moore - Horus Lord of Light ala Thor
$For Sale
VEITCH, RICK & JOHN TOTLEBEN signed - 1963 #5 pg 23, Horus-Lord of Light ala Thor
$For Sale
VEITCH, RICK & JOHN TOTLEBEN signed - Alan Moore's 1963 #5 pg 18, Horus ala Thor, saving Janet from were-dogs
$For Sale
VEITCH, RICK & TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore' 1963 #5 pg 17, Horus-Lord of Light, signed by RV JT
$For Sale