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FOX, MATT / LARRY LIEBER - Journey Into Mystery #93 2up 3, Sci Fi story, mining a futuristic shelter
$For Sale
FOX, MATT / LARRY LIEBER - Tales To Astonish #51 large pg 1 splash, Sci Fi Alien Invaders 1963
$For sale
LEIBER, LARRY & STAN LEE - Amazing Spider-Man daily -1985 , Spiderman a crook? - police called
$on line
LEIBER, LARRY - Amazing Spider-Man daily 6-23-97
Price: Please Inquire
LIEBER, LARRY & STAN LEE - Spider-Man daily 1-14-92 Dr. Doom to rule the world
Price: Please Inquire
LIEBER, LARRY & STAN LEE - Spider-Man daily 1-7-91 Spidey vs Dr. Doom's army
Price: Please Inquire
LIEBER, LARRY & STAN LEE - Spider-Man daily 11/27 2001 Spidey
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY & STAN LEE - Spider-Man daily 11/28 2001 Spidey
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY & STAN LEE - Spider-Man daily 11/29 2001 Spidey
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY & STAN LEE - Spider-Man daily 9/25 2000 Spidey
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY & STAN LEE - Spider-Man daily 9/27 2000 Spidey
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY - Giant-Size Kid Colt pg 10 Rawhide Kid "Vengeance of Jesse James" Kid & jesse in robbery
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY - Giant-Size Kid Colt pg 14 Rawhide Kid "Vengeance of Jesse James" Kid rides & shoots
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY - Giant-Size Kid Colt pg 3 Rawhide Kid "Vengeance of Jesse James" Kid w/ bullet wound
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY - Giant-Size Kid Colt pg 6 Rawhide Kid "Vengeance of Jesse James" Kid meets Jesse
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY - Kid Colt #65 lrg pg 3, Rawhide Kid rides! 1960s
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY - Marvel Superheroes #20 splash, 1st solo Dr Doom comic! Doom vs Thing
Price: Please Inquire
LIEBER, LARRY - Tales To Astonish #51 large pg 1 splash, Tales of the Watcher
$for sale
LIEBER, LARRY - Two Gun Kid #72 splash Twice-up page 1 last gunfight
LIEBER, LARRY - Two Gun Kid #72 Twice-up page 4, last gunfight
LIEBER, LARRY / GEORGE ROUSSOS - Tales To Astonish #51 Wasp story- page 1 of 5
Price: Please Inquire
LIEBER, LARRY / GEORGE ROUSSOS - Tales To Astonish #51 Wasp story- page 2 of 5
$Email for price
LIEBER, LARRY / GEORGE ROUSSOS - Tales To Astonish #51 Wasp story- page 3 of 5 - need email for Deborah Baldridge
$need email for Deborah Baldridge
LIEBER, LARRY / GEORGE ROUSSOS - Tales To Astonish #51 Wasp story- page 4 of 5
$Email for price
LIEBER, LARRY / GEORGE ROUSSOS - Tales To Astonish #51 Wasp story- page 5 of 5
Price: Please Inquire
LIEBER, LARRY / JOHN ROMITA SR inks - STAN LEE's Spider-Man Sunday 6/14 1981 - Mary Jane manhandled in car
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY / Romita & Esposito assist on gal & Ghoul - Vault Of Evil #16 cover, Bride & Ghoul, grave honeymoon 1974
$For sale
LIEBER, LARRY / Stan Lee - Hulk Sundsy 7/4 1982 July 4th Sunday - Hulk acts under mind control
$for sale
LIEBER, LARRY / TOM PALMER - Supernatural Thrillers #8 cover, Living Mummy
$For Sale
LIEBER, LARRY with ROMITA SR - Amazing Spiderman Annual #5 2up page, Spiderman, Peter Parker's parents
ROMITA SR, JOHN (added Spidey pencils) / LARRY LIEBER - Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 pg 8 - Spidey defeated, origin of parents 1967
$for sale
ROMITA SR, JOHN (signed & confirmed by John) / LARRY LIEBER - Amazing Spiderman Annual #5 large pg 14, Spidey's parents, Spidey + Peter, Gwen, Harry
ROMITA SR, JOHN / LARRY LIEBER - Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 pg 31 Spidey fights for parents 1968
$For sale