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Jim Lee

LEE, JIM & SCOTT WILLIAMS - Conan The Barbarian #218 cover, RE Howard hero, pirate themed
LEE, JIM & SCOTT WILLIAMS - Conan The Barbarian #220 cover, RE Howard hero - Conan as bear bait
LEE, JIM + PORTACIO - X-Men Promo Tour T-Shirt w/ Art & sig.s 1991
LEE, JIM - ALAN MOORE' WildC.A.T.S #31 pg 24 splash, Moore's Tao & Savant 1996
LEE, JIM - Alan Moore's WildCATS #31 S.Splash pg 6, Supervillain team - Mercs
LEE, JIM - Alan Moore's WildCATS #31 Semi-Splash pg 6, Villain Superteam
LEE, JIM - Alpha Flight #65 cover, Box & 1st Madison Jeffries, outside of armor,cover. 1988
LEE, JIM - Alpha Flight MU pinup, Vindicator & Omega / Jefferson
LEE, JIM - Batman Toy Comic-Con Drawing #23 Harley Quinn + toy 2015
LEE, JIM - Fantasic Four #2 cover, huge Thing vs Nanor Sub-Mariner + Mr Fantastic Human Torch
LEE, JIM - Fantastic Four #2 cover (shown with logo layer off), epic Thing vs Sub-Mariner as Mister Fantastic & Human Torch look on!
LEE, JIM - Gen 13 #5 cover, battle art - X-Men's Claremont 2003
LEE, JIM - Green Lantern #153 cover; JSA's Jade & new GL, class reunion
LEE, JIM - Harley Quinn on cell-phone - Hush version - Promotion Pinup HR_016 HQ c-2005
LEE, JIM - Harley Quinn w/ balloon - Hush version - Promotion Pinup HR_015 HQ and Joker c-2005
LEE, JIM - Hulk vs Alpha Flight Sasquatch - pencil & ink drawing 1987
LEE, JIM - Just Imagine STAN LEE - Wonder Woman #1 pg 10, origin as young girl 2001
LEE, JIM - Justice Society of America JSA large wall poster Artwork - 11 team members- showing Earths 1 & 2 1999
LEE, JIM - Justice Society of America JSA large wall poster Artwork - showing Earths 1 & 2 1999
LEE, JIM - Mutant Misadventures of Cloak & Dagger #3 cover, early Jim Lee Marvel
LEE, JIM - Punisher War Journal #10 Cover, Punisher in "Punishermobile" vs Sniper in Apache 'copter! 1989
LEE, JIM - Punisher War Journal #9 pg 18, Punisher origin / 1st Shadowmasters story / origin Yuriko Ezaki
LEE, JIM - Uncanny X-Men #270 pg, X-tinction Agenda #1, Strong Guy packs up Dazzler fan
LEE, JIM - Uncanny X-Men #276 pg 14, Wolverine X-Men & Shi-ar
LEE, JIM - Weapon X #5 Cover, Lee Variant Warpath REF ONLY
LEE, JIM - Weapon X #5 Cover, Lee Variant / X-Men #1 follow-up Card - Warpath & Feral - 1992
LEE, JIM - X-Men #1 follow-up Card Series - 2 images: Caliban, Gatecrasher - 1992
LEE, JIM - X-Men #1 follow-up Card Series - 2 Team shots: Imperial Guard + Starjammers - 1992
LEE, JIM - X-Men #1 tie-in, 2 trading cards - Cannonball / Lockheed 1992
LEE, JIM - X-Men #11 full-size cover prelim on Marvel Board - full 7 team
LEE, JIM - X-Men #2 pg 17, Magneto Prof X Banshee Forge (earliest Lee X-Men)
LEE, JIM - X-Men #7 pg 1 full splash, Wolverine trapped
LEE, JIM - X-Men #7 semi-splash pg 19, Wolverine bezerk ! Omega Red, Psylocke down
LEE, JIM - X-Men #9 pages 2-3 Double pg Title Splash: Ghost Rider & Xmen vs Brood - Wolverine
LEE, JIM - X-Men's Jubilee ala Robin - full image 1990s
LEE, JIM / ADAM HUGHES - X-Men Annual #1 pg 25, lrg Psylocke + X-Team 1992
LEE, JIM / ADAM HUGHES - X-Men Annual #1 pg 27, Psylocke + great X-Team panel - 1992
LEE, JIM / BRIAN STELFREEZE - X-Men Annual #1 pg 20, Mojo
LEE, JIM / CRAIG RUSSELL - X-Men Annual #1 pg 8, Mojo strikes rebels 1991
LEE, JIM / SCOTT WILLIAMS (all signed) - Superman Unchained #9 pg 28, Earth witnesses Supe blow-up alien invasion 2013
LEE, JIM / SCOTT WILLIAMS - Uncanny X-Men #271 Title-Splash, Boom-Boom & Rictor on the run -
LEE, JIM / SCOTT WILLIAMS - Uncanny XMen #272 pg, X-Tinction Agenda, Cyclops Havok Cable Gambit Rahne
LEE, JIM / WHILCE PORTACIO / SCOTT WILLIAMS inks - Uncanny X-Men #286 pg 1 splash - Marvel Girl & Colossus
LEE, JIM P/I - Marvel Superhero #1 cover - Moon Knight & Magik Speedball Black Panther Brother Voodoo 1990
LEE, JM - Batman Europa #1 pg 7, incredible tonal painted artwork! Batman vs Killer Croc
WINDSOR-SMITH, BARRY & JIM LEE - Deathmate Prologue #1 pg 1, great splash with Solar & girlfriend, Gayle
WINDSOR-SMITH, BARRY & JIM LEE - Deathmate Prologue #1 splash - Solar vs Void 1993



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