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PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose and Grim, editiorial cartoons

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Title Issue Page Price
PETERS, MIKE - Editiorial Cartoon, Circus family with son off to government 1990 $For Sale
PETERS, MIKE - Editiorial Cartoon, slackers vs United Way - Guinness Book of Records $For Sale
PETERS, MIKE - Editorial cartoon 1982, President Reagan Civil Defense Test? $For sale or trade
PETERS, MIKE - Ginger-Bread House editiorial cartoon, 1981 $For sale
PETERS, MIKE - Hussein editiorial cartoon $Trade
PETERS, MIKE - Isn't the Grand Canyon Beautiful? Editorial againt Reagan eco program 1987 $for sale
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm 1994 daily with COA Please Inquire
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm daily 1989 $For Sale
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm daily w/ Pluto Please Inquire
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm daily, 2 panels, Grimmy hunts fire-plugs in snow 1986 $For Sale
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm daily, Mother, Grimm lost in sofa, signed at top - 1991 $For Sale
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm daily- gator toth care, 8/22 1987 $For Sale
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm daily. Grimmy and a cow astronaut Please Inquire
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm daily. Rare, single panel Please Inquire
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm Sunday 1987 with letter to Ted Key (Hazel) Please Inquire
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm Sunday 1990 Please Inquire
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm Sunday 2007, Grimmy with paper roll $For Sale
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm Sunday 3/9 2008, Mother Goose and Grimmy $For Sale
PETERS, MIKE - Mother Goose & Grimm Sunday 8/12/1990 Please Inquire
PETERS, MIKE - Ronald Reagan editiorial cartoon $For Sale



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