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ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spiderman, Daredevil, Marvel

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COLAN, GENE + ROMITA finishes on Karen- Daredevil Annual #1 twice-up last pg, Matt, Karen, DD shadow
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KIRBY, JACK / JOHN ROMITA (signed)- Tales Of Suspense #77 pg 1, Captain America Splash 1966
$For Trade / Sale

LAWRENCE, MORT / JOHN ROMITA signed - Men's Adventure #27 large pg 3, Captain America & Bucky- 1st Hero Issue!
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN (added pencils Spidey) / LARRY LIEBER pencils - Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 large pg 8 - Spidey defeated, origin of parents 1967
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN (signed & confirmed by John) / LARRY LIEBER - Amazing Spiderman Annual #5 large pg 14, Spidey's parents, Spidey + Peter, Gwen, Harry

ROMITA SR, JOHN (signed) Stan Lee drawing on back - Young Men #26 pg, Captain Americs returns story where Subby & Torch cross-overed

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man #120 pg 1 pencil Splash, Spidey on Hulk's rock redone by Kane 1973
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man #57 pg 2, Spidey & Peter Parker webs & swings 1967-1968
$for Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man #59 pg 20, big panel - Spidey vs Kingpin 1968
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spiderman #45 unused 2-up pg,

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Avengers vs X-Men #1 pg 12, Thor and all the Avengers in action!
Price: Please Inquire

ROMITA SR, JOHN - CAPTAIN AMERICA #139 pg 5 - Cap's origin recalled, Sam & babe
$email for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Captain America #140 pg 3, Captain America battles the Grey Gargoyle in every panel
$For sale or trade

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Daredevil #15 lrg pg 15, DD in jail, Ox has Karen Page-
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ROMITA SR, JOHN - Rhino chase card artwork - Marvel Silverage Sketchagraph

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spider-Man / Peter Parker & Mary Jane Christmas Poster Preliminary Art 1980s-1990s
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ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spiderman finished illo circa 1969 to 1972

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spiderman lrg tonal painting - on NBC Today Show for Spidey film 2004

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Tales Of Suspense #92 lrg pg 10 panel, Captain America close-up replacing Jack kirby's image 1967
$For sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Timely Mens Mag illos, Vietnam war-crimes illos, 1960s
$For sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN / LARRY LIEBER - Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 pg 31 Spidey fights for parents 1968
$For sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN / ROMITA JR - Spiderman double pg Splash, reading promo 2004
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN signed - Universe X: Spidey #1 pg 22, May Day Venom, 1st app, Qwen Stacey-Parker & Mary Jane Osborn
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN signed P/I - Amazing Spiderman greeting card art, 1990

$for sale

ROMITA, JOHN / MARIE SEVERIN / WIN MORTIMER - Hulk Book "Trapped" double Splash #3 1982
$for sale

ROMITA, JOHN / MARIE SEVERIN / WIN MORTIMER - Incredible Hulk Book "Trapped" double Splash #2 1982
$for sale

ROMITA, JOHN / MARIE SEVERIN / WIN MORTIMER - Incredible Hulk Book "Trapped" double Splash #4 1982
$for sale

ROMITA, JOHN / MARIE SEVERIN / WIN MORTIMER - Incredible Hulk Book "Trapped" double Splash #6 1982
$for sale

ROMITA, JOHN / MARIE SEVERIN / WIN MORTIMER - Incredible Hulk Book "Trapped" Title double Splash #1 1982
$for sale

ROMITA, JOHN SR & TOM MORGAN / FRENZ layouts - Amazing Spider-Man #274 pg 19, Peter saves Gwen from falling ala AS #121
$for sale

ROMITA, JOHN SR - Young Men #26 large last pg, 3rd Superhero issue - Captain America & Bucky signed, 1954
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ROMITA, JOHN SR signed / SAL BUSCEMA - Captain America #153 pg 14, Cap beats Nick Fury - Good Girl art Contessa
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