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DC Cover Art For Sale

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ADAMS, NEAL - Action #358 cover, second Superman Action cover by Neal - Dr calls Superman killer 1968
$for sale

ALCALA, ALFREDO - Arak, Son of Thunder #24 cover
$For Sale

ANDERSON, MURPHY - DC Presents #95 cover, Superman & Hawkman
Price: Please Inquire

ANDERSON, MURPHY - Mystery In Space #108 cover, rare large size art! Ultra the Multi-Alien, 6th issue!
Price: Please Inquire

ANDERSON, MURPHY / ED HANNIGAN layouts - Superman #393 cover, Superman is nuked!

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #15 cover. Carapax has Blue Beetle life or death situation! 1987
$for sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Jonah Hex #70 cover, saved by cowgirl
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Jonah Hex #71 cover, Jonah shooting under the table
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS / DICK GIORDANO - DC Special Blue Ribbon #4 back cover, Green Lantern villains Star Sapphire / Hector Hammond 1980
$for Sale

APARO, JIM - Batman Family #14 cover, death of Batwoman, Batgirl & Robin 1977
$For Sale

APARO, JIM - Black Canary #11 cover, Canary carries one of Symitar's enslaved woman to freedom!
$for sale

BEATTY, TERRY - Ms. Tree #10 cover, "Black and White and Red All Over" 1984
$For Sale

BENES, ED - Red Lanterns #2 cover, Atrocitus' story 2011
$for sale

BENJAMIN, RYAN - Ghost / Batgirl #3 cover, Batgirl & Ghost - woman-hamdled 2000
$FOR sale

BERNADO, RAMON - Superboy #37 cover, clone of Superman
$For Sale

BINGHAM, JERRY - Suicide Squad #8 Cover, Rick Flag; Deadshot; Enchantress; Captain Boomerang; Bronze Tiger 1987
$for sale

BLEVINS, BRETT - Batman: Gotham Nights II #2 cover
$For sale or trade

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Animal Man #50 final, published painted cover, w/ overlay + ink Animal Man figure 1992
$for sale

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Animal Man #50 ink art part of cover with Animal Man figure used to place over Bolland's painting. Signed by Bolland 1992
$for sale

BOOTH, BRETT / NORM RAPMUND - Teen Titans #16 cover, Death of the Family: Red Robin / Drake is Jokerized 2013
$for sale

BREWER, DAVID - Superboy Year One Annual #2 cover, multiple Superboys
$for sale

BRIGHT, MARK - DC Previews #1 cover, Green Lantern Emerald Dawn & JSA / Justice Society preview 1993
$for sale

BRIGHT, MARK - Green Lantern V2 #25 cover, 3 GLs fight for the ring + with JLA 1992
$for sale

BRODERICK, PAT- Firestorm #2 unlinked pencil cover, Alice in Wonderlland 1982
$for sale

BROWN, GARRY - Catwoman Annual #2 cover, it's Catwoman vs Catwoman, while the Batman's influence over Gotham is made visually overwhelming!
$For sale or trade

BROZOWSKI, JOE - Firestorm #78 cover
$For Sale

BUCKINGHAM, MARK - Comics 2000 Magazine cover painting - DC Death, Spawn, Spidey, Hellboy, Gromit the Dog
$FOR sale

BUCKLER, RCH / GIORDANO - Flash #269 cover, Flash & Kid-Flash + dinosaurs 1979
$For Sale

BUCKLER, RICH - Wonder Women #237 cover, Golden-age WW vs Nazis to save General McArthur 1977
$for sale

BULLOCK, DAVE - Teen Titans Go! #14 cover, Speedy joins the Teen Titans
$For sale or trade

BURCHETT, RICK - Robin #56 cover, Robin and Spoiler smash through a window to stop the Cluemaster's burglary in progress!
$For sale or trade

BYRD, MITCH - Green Lantern Annual #2 cover, Bloodlines - first Nightblade 1993
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Blood Of Demon #7 cover- Spectre vs Demon - Day of Vengeance tie-in 2005
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Doom Patrol #7 cover, Team in giant gorilla battle 2005
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman #6 cover, Lois & 1st version Superman figure 1986
$for sale

CARDY, NICK - Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #163 Cover, Superman can't help Jimmy 1974
$for sale

CARDY, NICK - Wanted #7 cover, JSA's Hourman & Johnny Quick 1973
$for sale

CARIELLO / THIBERT / MIKI / MENDOZA Batman vs Wildcat #3 cover, 1997
$For Sale

CASE, RICHARD - Doom Patrol #66 cover, Robotman - new origin
$for sale

CASTILLO,, TOMMY / ROD RAMOS - Batman poster / comic con cover

CHAN, ERNIE - The Witching Hour cover, unpublished 35 cents era
$FOR sale

CHAN, ERNIE / JOHN CALNAN - World's Finest #239 cover, Superman & Metal Men's Gold update Batman's health insurance!
$for sale

CINAR, YILDIRAY - Legion of Super-Heroes The Choice #1 hardcover book, every single Legionaire…what more do you want?
$for sale

CLARK, MATTHEW - Outsiders #45 cover, Arsenal / Speedy (Roy Harper) 2007
Price: Please Inquire

CLARK, MATTHEW / LIVESAY- Doom Patrol v5 #11 cover, Robot Man & Dino w/ Rita's head-shot uncensored
$For sale

COCKRUM, DAVE - Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #3 cover, Green Lantern bestows a power ring on a creature from an all-water planet 1992
$for sale

COLAN, GENE - Batman #351 cover, Batman is a vampire Batman! First Gene Colan version! 1982
$for sale

COLAN, GENE - Detective Comics #563 cover, Two-Face returns! defaces Batman 1983
$for sale

COLAN, GENE - Wolfman' Night Force #3 cover, Baron Winter sends Donovan Caine & Jack Gold to Russia for Vanessa Van Helsing. 1982
$for sale

COLON, ERNIE - Arak Son of Thunder #10 cover, Arak battles centaur!
$For Sale

COLON, ERNIE - Who's Who 1986 wraparound cover, Question, Robin I II III, Ravin, Robotman, Ragman, Riddker, Rose & Thorn, etc.
$For Sale

COWAN, DENYS - V #18 cover final issue, TV series 1986
$for sale

COWAN, DENYS / DICK GIORDANO - Firestorm #45 cover FS vs rogues gallery
$For Sale

CRITCHLOW, CARL - Lobo #46 cover, up the nose 1997
$for sale

CROKER, HILTY - Cartoon Cartoon #13 cover, Space Ghost, coast to coast
$For Sale

CULLINS, PARIS - Who's Who in the DC Universe Wraparound Cover: Doom Patrol Dream-Girl Eclipso
$For sale

DAVIS, ALAN - JSA #11 cover, Kobra has gun to head of Sandman / Sandy 1999
$for sale

DAVIS, SHANE - Final Crisis: Rage of Red Lanterns #1 cover, Sinestro
$For Sale

DESTEFANO, STEVEN - 'MAZING MAN #4 cover, tryc race
$For Sale

DESTEFANO, STEVEN - 'MAZING MAN #8 cover, cat attack
$For Sale

DEZUNIGA, TONY - Arak #42 cover, scorpian monster
$For Sale

DOHERTY, PETE - Catwoman #81 cover, first version w/o pasteover of additional Catwoman figure
$for sale

DOHERTY, PETE - Catwoman #81 cover, published version w/ second Catwoman art on overlay
$For sale or trade

DOHERTY, PETE - Catwoman #81 cover, with additional Catwoman figure
$For Sale

DOMINGUEZ, LUIS - Weird Western #31 cover, Jonah Hex in line of fire 1975
$for sale

DUBURKE, RANDY - The Shadow Strikes #25 cover, 2 gun Shadow vs blackout knight 1991
$for sale

EAGLESHAM, DALE - Green Lantern #147 cover. Wheelchair-bound former Green Lantern John Stewart confronts his deepest, darkest secrets!
$for sale

EATON, SCOT / PETER GROSS - Doctor Fate #35 cover
$For Sale

EATON, SCOT / PETER GROSS - Doctor Fate #35 cover, female Fate
$For Sale

EATON, SCOTT - Batman vs Bane #1 cover, Forever Evil Aftermath
Price: Please Inquire

Espí, López - based on Joe Staton - All Star Comics #70 full cover painting, Spanish edition version 1970s
$FOR sale

FABRY, GLENN - House of Mystery #8 painted cover, Harry Bailey 2009
$for sale

FLOREA, SANDY - Batman and Robin Adventures cover
$For sale or trade

FRADON, RAMONA - Super Friends #21 cover, Superman, Womder Woman battle their evil doubles! 1979
$for sale

GARCIA, JOHN - Sgt Rock Special #10 cover, a tank full of dead Nazis! 1990
$for sale

GIARRENO, VINCE - Spectre #20 cover 1988
$For sale or trade

GIBBONS, DAVE - Superman 1982 large Annual painted cover, first Gibbons Superman - Flash race
$for sale

GIFFEN, KEITH - Book of Fate #12 cover, last issue - bar-hopping Lobo by creator & cross-over
$for Sale

GIFFEN, KEITH - Omega Men #5 cover, second Lobo comic story 1983
$for sale

GIFFEN, KEITH- Adventure Comics #492 Cover- Legion of Superheroes reject Supergirl + Shazam
$for sale

GIORDANO, DICK - Blue Beetle #4 (now DC) large cover, Dan Garrett 1965
$For Sale

GIORDANO, DICK - Crucible #4 cover, MLJ heroes
$For Sale

GIORDANO, DICK - DC Special #8 Legion of Superheroes back-cover, team-shot
$For Sale

GIORDANO, DICK - Flash #205 Cover; 64 pg giant, Flash vs Reverse Flash, Golden-Age Flash, Kid Flash 1971
$for sale

GIORDANO, DICK - Jonni Thunder #1 cover, JSA hero revived, 1st Issue
$For sale or trade

GIORDANO, DICK - Modesty Blaise cover Trade edition
$For Sale

GIORDANO, DICK - Wonder Woman #219 cover, Wonder Woman in bondage: JLA X-over series Elongated Man 1975
$for sale

GLEASON, PAT - Green Lantern Corp #2 cover - Abin Sir & Kiliwog
$For sale or trade

GLEASON, PAT - Green Lantern Corp #33 cover, Blackest Night prelude
$For Sale

GONZALES, ADRIAN - Arak #22 cover pencil art
$For Sale

GRELL, MIKE - Karate Kid #2 cover, Legion of Superheroes Kid, solo in 20th century 1976
$for sale

GRELL, MIKE - Superboy & Legion of Superheroes #211 cover, Superboy, Element Lad kills

GRUMMETT, TOM - Superboy #80 cover, SB between 2 Ex's Pyra] & Serling 2000
$for salw

GUICE, JACKSON - Flash #5 cover
$Sale or trade

GUICE, JACKSON - Flash #7 cover Flash and Red Trinity
$Sale / Trade

GUINALDO, ANDRES - Legion Lost #0 cover - Timber Wolf’s origin
$For Sale

GUINALDO, ANDRES - Legion Lost #12 cover
$For Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Batman: Outlaws #1 cover, Batman vs military 2000
$for sale

GULACY, PAUL - Catwoman #33 cover, Catwoman on wall
$For Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Danger Trail #3 Cover with logo
$For sale or trade

HA, GENE - Blackest Night JSA #2 Cover, 1-25 variant, Powergirl vs Black Lantern Lois Lane
$For Sale

HA, GENE - DC Halloween Special cover #1 cover, JLA saves cosplay kids 2008
$for sale

HALEY, MATT - JSA Classified #26 Cover - Wildcat & Justice Society team 2007
$FOR sale

HAMILTON, CRAIG - Aquaman Year One Annual #1 cover
$For Sale

HAMPTON, BO - Castle of the Bat GN ,large Cover painting, ala Frankenstein 1994
$for ssle

HANNIGAN, ED & KLAUS JANSON - World's Finest Comics #308 cover, BATMAN vs SUPERMAN - witness to Supes murder!
$For Sale

HANNIGAN, ED - The Flash #320 cover, Has the Flash been "Eradicated"?
$For sale or trade

HARRIS, TONY - DC JSA / Justice Society published DC poster (Wonder Woman cropped out)

HARRIS, TONY - DC JSA / Justice Society published DC poster painting with Wonder Woman included 1999
$for Sale

HERNANDEZ, BETO - Peter Bagge' Yeah #2 cover, good girl art / space rockers 1999
$for sale

HESTER, PHIL - JLA annual #7 cover - 1st Terrorsmith
$For Sale

HITCH, BRYAN / PAUL NEARY - JLA #55 cover, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Manhunter, 2001
$For Sale

HOBERG, RICK - Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew #20 cover, last issue with Changeling from Teen Titans + Gorrila Grodd
$For Sale

HOWARD, ZACK - Justice League Unlimited #45 cover
$For sale or trade

HOWELL, RICHARD - The Shadow War of Hawkman #3 cover vs Elongated Man and Aquaman
$Sale or trade

HUGHES, ADAM - Wonder Woman #156 cover, Wonder Woman in chains! vs Devastation 2000
$For sale

IMMONEN, STUART - Legion of Super-Heroes Archive #6 cover, All Legion members from late 1960's! 1996
$For Sale

INFANTINO, CARMINE - Flash #333 cover, creative logo "Down with Flash" 1984
$For Sale

INFANTINO, CARMINE / IRV NOVICK - Wonder Woman #176 cover, alternate first version. Very rare art from this period!
$For sale or trade

ISHERWOOD, GEOF - Suicide Squad #61 cover, JLA confront Squard
$For Sale

JOCK - Detective Comics #809 cover War Crimes part 1
$Sale or trade

Johnson, Dave - Flash #4 cover key Flash - Rebirth - New Earth Barry Allen 2016
$for Sale

JOHNSON, DREW - Injustice, Gods Against Us #5 cover, Batman, The Dark Knight versus Superman, The Man of Steel, splitting the loyalties of the Justice League
$for sale

JOHNSON, DREW/ RAY SNYDER - Supergirl #28 cover with logo overlay
$For Sale or Trade

JONES, ARVELL - All-Star Squadron #66 cover, origin of Tarantula. Sandman appearance
$For sale or trade

JURGENS, DAN - Booster Gold #9 cover,Booster in Legion of Superheroes story 1986
$for sale

JURGENS, DAN - Sundevils #5 cover Scyla; Shikon 1984
$for sale

JURGENS, DAN - Sundevils #6 cover Anomie Sitar; Pook; Clone One; Clone Two; Clone Three 1984
$for sale

JURGENS, DAN - Sundevils #9 cover, 1984
$For Sale

JURGENS, DAN - Warlord #83 cover
$Sale or trade

KANE, GIL - All American Western #120 cover, rare large size 1951. Johnny Thunder in
$For sale or trade

KANE, GIL - Wonder Woman #305 cover, Wonder Woman twirling her magic lasso! Poster style 1983
$for sale

KANE, GIL / Michael Golden layout - DC' Web #10 Cover, with logo overlay
$For sale or trade

KAYANAN, RAFAEL - Firestorm #39 cover
$Sale or trade

KAYANAN, RAFAEL - Firestorm #43 cover
$For sale or trade

KAYANAN, RAFAEL Firestorm #27 cover
$Sale or trade

KINDZIERSKI, LOVERN & KEVIN MAGUIRE - LEGION '90 cover color guide, First appearance of Valor, Mon El (Law-Gand)
$For sale

KINDZIERSKI, LOVERN & MATT WAGNER - Challengers of the Umkown #4 cover color guide, Rocky Davis has a gambling problem!
$For Sale

KinDZIERSKI, LOVERN & VINCE GIARRANO - Doctor Fate #26 cover color guide, First Inza Nelson as the new Dr Fate!!!
$For Sale

KINDZIERSKI, LOVERN & VINCE GIARRANO - Doctor Fate #28 cover color guide, Dr. Fate vs a demonic street gang!
$For Sale

KINDZIERSKI, LOVERN & VINCE GIARRANO - Doctor Fate #29 cover color guide, Dr. Fate watches Kent Nelson disappear!
Price: Please Inquire

KUDER, AARON - Green Lantern New Guardians #15 chase cover 2012
$for sale

LOEBS, WILLIAM M. - Secret Origins #28 Cover - Midnight (Spirit clone) & Nightshade
Price: Please Inquire

LOPRESTI, AARON - Action Comics #874 cover Superman and Mon-El in
$For sale or trade

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League Midsummer Nightmare GN large cover, classic team group shot! 1996
$for ssle

MAGUIRE, KEVIN / TERRY AUSTIN - DC Showcase #2 cover Catwoman / Blue Devil / Cyborg 1993
$for sale

MANHKE, DOUG - Justice League of America #85 cover, heroes death cover
$For sale or trade

MANKE, DOUG - Final Crisis Requiem #1 cover, Death of Martian Manhunter
$For sale or trade

MATSUDA, JEFF - Impulse #30 cover, Another famous super-speed race! Impulse vs a Big Wheel!
$For sale or trade

McDONNELL, LUKE - Green Lantern Mosaic #17 cover ala Grant Wood, GL Corp & JLA
$For sale or trade

MCDONNELL, LUKE - Justice League of America #247 cover
Price: Please Inquire

McDonnell, Luke / Karl Kesel! - Suicide Squad #21 Nightshade aka Silk Spectre 1988
$For Sale

McFARLANE, TODD - Infinity Inc. #29 large cover, female Wildcat + young JSA
$for sale

MCFARLANE, TODD - Who's Who Update #4 Lrg Wrap-Around Cover, Power Girl, Mon El, Outsiders, Alan Moore Watchmen Minutemen, Peacekeeper ++ 1987
$for sale

McKONE, MIKE - Green Lantern #39 variant cover. Harley Quinn, roller derby queen, races Green Lantern!
$For Sale or Trade

MCKONE, MIKE - Teen Titans #50 cover pencils to the variant cover
$For sale or trade

McMANUS, SHAWN - DC Showcase '94 #9 cover, Batman villain Scarface 1994
$for sale

McMANUS, SHAWN - Doctor Fate #23 cover, many Docs
$For Sale

MCMANUS, SHAWN - Dr Fate #19 cover with The Phantom Stranger
$Sale or trade

McWILLIAMS, AL - Justice Inc. #1 cover, alternate 1'st version, starring DC's The Avenger, 1st app & origin of pulp hero 1975
$For Sale

MENDEZ, PHIL - Three Mouseketeers #2 cover, finished pencil art, Mice torment cat at breakfast 1970
$For Sale

MOORE, JEROME - Hawk and Dove #26 cover, Hawk mourned the death of his brother Don, the first Dove, with Dawn Granger, the new Dove.
$For sale or trade

MORALES, RAGS - Hourman #16 Cover with JLA defeated by Joker & Snapper
$For sale or trade

MORALES, RAGS - Hourman #18 cover, JSA / Justice Society parade

MORALES, RAGS - Hourman #19 cover, JSA / Justice Society defeated

MORALES, RAGS - JSA / Justice Society #31 cover, Iwo-Jima flag themed!

MORROW, GRAY - DC Presents #65 cover, Superman / Madame Xanadu
$for sale

MORROW, GRAY - Zatanna Special #1 cover, very first Zatanna comic. incredible example by her most famous artist.
$For Sale

NAUCK, TODD / TOM PALMER - Young Justice #42 cover, Spectre
$For Sale

NAUCK/ AUSTIN- Young Justice #23 cover
Price: Please Inquire

NOCON, CEDRIC - Robin Spoiler #1 alternate cover
$For Sale

NOLAN, GRAHAM - Detective Comics #706 Batman cover
$For sale or trade

NOVICK, IRV / CARMINE INFANTINO layouts - Detective Comics #379 Batman & Robin cover, first version, w/ Bruce Wayne watching Batman die twice 1968
$For Sale

NOWLAN, KEVIN & MATT HALEY - Batgirl Annual #1 cover first app ARUNA 2000
$For sale

NOWLAN, KEVIN & MATT HALEY - Batgirl Annual #1 cover, introducing Aruna 2000
$for sale

NOWLAN, KEVIN - Adv. of Batman and the Outsiders #42 cover, team vs giant robot! 1987
$for sale

NOWLAN, KEVIN - Legion of Superheroes #344 cover, Ultra Boy saves Phantom Girl, Chameleon Boy from Tyrraz 1987
$for sale

OKSNER, BOB - Jerry Lewis #124 DC cover final issue! at raceway 1971
$for sale

ORDWAY, JERRY - Adventures of Superman #452 cover, Supes vs Hfuhruhurr- the Universe mind harvester 1988-1989
$for sale

ORDWAY, JERRY - Infinity Inc #2 cover, JSA / Justice Society - Huntress Powergirl, Superman's first recurring supervillain
$sold - looking for more of this type!

ORDWAY, JERRY - Justice League of America archives #8 cover, classic JLA team
$For Sale

ORDWAY, JERRY - Justice Society vs America #4 cover, Golden-Age JSA

ORLANDO, JOE & SAL TRAPANI - Metamorpho #9 cover, very rare, one of the only known surviving large size covers! Metamorpho vs three crazy robots
$For sale or trade

PAROBECK, MIKE - Justice Society #1 cover, 1st issue of highly regarded series
$SOLD! Looking for more like this!!!

PAROBECK, MIKE - Justice Society Of America #8 cover; Hourman, Johnny Quick and 1st Jesse Quick
$For Sale

PATTON, CHUCK - Teen Titans #54 cover, Cyborg origin
$For Sale

PELLETIER, PAUL - Superboy & Ravers #7 cover, Sups + Impluse signs for coeds 1997
$for sale

PELLIETIER, PAUL, Superboy and the Ravers #10 Cover, funeral cover
$For sale or trade

PEREZ, GEORGE - Amethyst #8 cover, great gems design 1983
$for sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - DC Brave & Bold #4 larger Cover, biker Supergirl & Lobo in space, inspired new film - 2007
$for sale

PETERSON, BRANDON - Green Lantern V.2 #180 cover, Green Lantern vs Capt Atom 2004
$for sale

PHILIPS, JOE- Mister Miracle #21 cover, MM, Big Barda in VW bug tube
$For Sale

PHILIPS, SEAN - Sleeper #7 cover, by Ed Brubaker 2004
$For Sale

PHILLIPS, JOE - DC Living Legends painting JLA
$For Sale

PODWIL, JEROME - Sinister House of Secret Love #2 large painted DC cover
$For Sale

PODWIL, JEROME - Sinister House of Secret Love #2 large painted DC cover w/o logo 1971
$for Sale

POPE, ROBERT - Batman- Brave and Bold #13 cover, Bats with Plastic Man, Shazam, Plastic Man +
$For sale or trade

POPE, ROBERT - Cartoon Network Block Party, Camp Lazlo, Johnny Bravo
$For Sale

PORTER, HOWARD - Grant Morrison' JLA #23 cover - Superman Green Lantern Orion vs planet Starro 1998
$for sale

PORTER, HOWARD - Grant Morrison' JLA #37 cover- Oracle (Batgirl), Batman, Superman
$For sale or trade

RANDALL, RON - Arak #36, a half man/half serpent grabs Arak's date
$For sale or trade

RANDALL, RON - Arak Annual #1 cover
Price: Please Inquire

RANDALL, RON - Conqueror of the Barren Earth #1 cover
$Trade or sale

RANDALL, RON - Conqueror of the Barren Earth #2 cover
$Sale or trade

RANDALL, RON - Conqueror of the Barren Earth #4 cover
$Trade or sale

REINHOLD, BILL - Batman Legend of Dark Knight #155 cover
$For Sale

REIS, IVAN and Mike SELLERS - Green Lantern v4 #29 cover - Hal Jordan & Abin Sur w/ Alan Moore origin - 2008
$for sale

ROBERTSON, DARRICK - Justice League Europe #31 cover, Powergirl
$For Sale

ROBINSON, ANDREW - Detective Comic #852 cover, Hush as Bruce Wayne
$For Sale

ROGERS, MARSHALL - Mr Miracle #19 cover, 1st Issue relaunch, MM to save Big Barda, Sept 1977
$for sale

SADOWSKI, STEPHEN & MICHAEL BAIR - JSA Secret Files #1 cover, Justice Society

SALE, TIM - Solo #1 cover, Catwoman! Incredible drawing in her full leather costume and cat o'nine tails whip
$for sale

SCHAFFENBERGER, KURT - Captain Marvel - Shazam book Cover, Capt Marvel at circus 1977
$for sale

SCOTT, DAMION - Batgirl #24 cover, Bruce Wayne murderer part 2, 2002
$For Sale

SCOTT, DAMION - Batgirl #34 cover, Batgirl & Batman crime scene outline 2004
$for sale

SCOTT, NICOLA / DOUG HAZLEWOOD - Teen Titans #91 cover, Beast Boy Kid Flash Ravager Raven Robin Superboy Wonder Girl 2011
$for sale

SCOTT, NICOLA / DOUG HAZLEWOOD - Wonder Girl #1 cover, first series w/ Cassandra Sandsmark 2011
$for sale

SEARS, BART - Justice League Europe #25 cover with Powergirl
$For sale or trade

SEGOVIA, STEPHEN - Green Lantern #28 / Red Lanterns #28 flip book cover, Hal Jordan & Guy Gardner on Ysmault, home of Red Lanterns
$FOR sale

SEMEIKS, Val - Demon #3 cover, with Batman
$For Sale

SEPULVEDA, M.A. - Green Lantern #66 cover, War of the Green Lanterns

SHAW, SCOTT - Capt Carrot #10 cover, team vs Wuz-Wolf
$For Sale

SHAW, SCOTT - Capt Carrot #8 cover, time-villian, melted watch & backgrounds in homage ala Salvador Dali 1982
$for sale

SILVA, RB - Superboy #13 cover, DC's New 52
$For Sale

SILVESTRI, MARC - Darkness Superman #2 cover, all out battle w/ two titans!
$For sale

SMITH, BOB - Batman Gotham Adventures #57 cover; Riddler, Robin
$For sale or trade

SMITH, TOD - Omega Men #13 cover
$Sale or trade

SNYDER, JOHN K - Suicide Squad #7 cover, Captain Boomerang; Deadshot; Plastique
$For Sale

SNYDER, JOHN K - Suicide Squad #8 cover
Price: Please Inquire

SPROUSE, CHRIS / KARL STORY - Supergirl #36 cover, Supergirl meets New Superwoman / Lucy Lane
$for sale

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #10 cover, Guy Gardner and GNort
$For sale or trade

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #148 cover, Green Lantern is ripped away from Carrol Farris to aid Abin Sur's planet!

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #209 cover, GL Corp John Stewart / Katma Tui - 1st Rocket Red cover 1987
$for sale

STATON, JOE - Huntress DC Video Box cover

STATON, JOE - Millenium #3 cover, Batman & JLA charge to action! 1987
$for sale

Stelfreeze, Brian - Nightwing #152 Cover, classic Ra's al Ghul take-over 2009 NEW
$for Sale

Stelfreeze, Brian - Nightwing #152 cover, retitled for Ra's al Ghul - w/ logo 2009
$for sale

Stelfreeze, Brian - Nightwing #152 cover, retitled for Ra's al Ghul - w/o logo 2009
$for sale

SURIANO, ANDY - Batman the Brave and the Bold #22 cover, Batman and Aquaman trapped by the Ocean Master!
$For sale or trade

TEMPLETON, TY- Justice League Unlimited #27 cover, Parasite defeats team
$For sale or trade

TORRES, ANGELO - Flash #1 CBS cover - Flash vs reviewers 1990

VAN SCIVER, ETHAN - JSA #63 cover, Justice Society - "Wake the Sandman"

VELLUTO, SAL - Justice League Task Force #4 cover, Manhunter, Gypsy & Lady Silva 1993
$for sale

Wasteland #10 DC painted cover - On Ebay!
$On Ebay

WEST, KEVIN - Justice League America #85 cover, Ice solo battle 1994
$for sale

WIERINGO, MIKE / SEAN PARSONS - Young Justice #1 trade edition cover, so many DC superheroes
$for sale

WILLIAMS II, FREDDIE - Flash #240 cover, Flash vs his classic villain; Gorrilla Grodd! - with logo overlay
$For sale or trade

WILLIAMS, DAVID - Star Trek & Green Lantern #5 Cover, Kirk, Spock & GL
$For Sale

WILLIAMS, DAVID - Teen Titans #23 cover - 2014

WILLIAMS, DAVID -DC Who's Who of Impact #1 - Maxx-13
$For Sale

WILLIAMS, JH - Judge Dredd #11 cover, funeral for Dredd
$For Sale

WILLIAMS, JH - Judge Dredd #12 cover, funeral for Dredd
$For Sale

WILLIAMSON, AL & PARIS CULLINS - Superman #409 cover Superman vs monster with Lois Lane's help! Signed
$for sale

WOJTKIEWICZ, CHUCK - JLA #99 cover, Wonder Woman, Hawkman vs the Strange Brood
$email for prices

WOODS, PETE - Countdown, Final Crisis #17 cover (ala Joe Kubert OAAW #195) Green Lantern, Troia, Robin2
$For sale or trade

WOODS, PETE - Firestorm #34 cover
Price: Please Inquire

WOODS, PETE - The Authority #22 & WildCATS #23 double covers - 25 characters w/ logo
$for sale

WRAY, BILL - DC Who's Who - LEGION Strata pencil pinup
$For Sale

YEATES, TOM - Saga of the Swamp Thing #19 cover, death of Arcane. Leads into new origin by Alan Moore
Price: Please Inquire

ZACHARY, DEAN - Green Lantern Annual #3 cover 1994
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