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Comic-Con 2024 - COOLLINES ARTWORK Booth #5112 -5118, Near Artist Alley

Media Type:
Art Type: Other
Artists: None Specified

Cool Lines Art is attending the oldest and biggest Comic-Con for our 39th year. Our four booths face the top of Artist Alley...

JULY 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 - 2024
Hall H booth 5112

AND...We purchased a couple extra San Diego Comic-con badges for a helper and an artist who will now not be able to attend.
So, we have those available at cost price for whoever might like one or two? These are Five-day passes and can be picked up from us on Tues or Wed at the Convention Center.

If you are interested in one or more badges, please email:
Rich at coollinesart@aol.com
Thank You


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