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KELLY, WALY / CHUCK JONES - Pogo Birthday Special - Churchy Cel w/ Key Master Painted Background MGM, 1969

Media Type: Mixed Media
Art Type: Animation
Artists: Walt Kelly Layouts

Turtle Churchy paddles off on top of a guitar in this hand-painted original production cel from the Chuck Jones-directed Pogo Special Birthday Special. Based on Walt Kelly's beloved comic strip Pogo, this TV special featured all the characters of the Okefenokee Swamp in rare animated form. This cel can be seen at the 7:18 mark of the special, presented on its rare original Key Master painted background rendered in gouache on board. Backgrounds of the special are credited to Bob Inman. The 12 field setup shows minor handling from normal studio use, and the pegholes on the cel have been trimmed.

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