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WILSON, GEORGE - Turok, Son of Stone #114 cover, Turok and Andar avoid attack from Dinocroc!

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: George Wilson All

WILSON, GEORGE - Turok, Son of Stone #114 cover, Turok and Andar avoid attack from Dinocroc! Logo on overlay paint on 15 by 20 think board Turok, Son of Stone #114 Cover Original Art (Gold Key, 1978). Two impostors claim Turok and Andar are the False Ones! This cover was hand painted with watercolor on heavy board with an image area of 12" x 16". Giant issue with 48 pages and 50 cents cover price. "The False Ones" in which Turok and Andar face men who are impersonating them. Story by Paul S. Newman; art by Jose Delbo. Issue also has "The Gift Giver" in which Turok and Andar receive mysterious gifts and reprints of "Prisoners" in which Turok and Andar try to escape from a tribe that has taken them hostage and wants them to make weapons and "Young Earth - The Reindeer Hunters."

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