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TOTLEBEN, JOHN - he Spectre #15 or #16 large first painted cover, Hal Jordan Spectre in space 2002

Media Type: Paint - Acrylic
Art Type: Cover
Artists: John Totleben All

painted on large thick board 16 by 24
without logo overlay

Spectre in Space, Part One: Holocaust (Table of Contents: 1) The Spectre / comic story / 22 pages (report information) Script J. M. DeMatteis Pencils Norm Breyfogle Inks Dennis Janke Colors Guy Major Letters Bill Oakley GenresuperheroCharactersThe Spectre [Hal Jordan]; spirit of Abin Sur; Helen Katherine Jordan; souls of a crystal species; The Quoex; an energy species that appears as SinestroSynopsisThe Spectre's many aspects, seen as aliens, call him and Abin Sur into space to attempt to redeem an entire species while The Quoex use the energy from one of his aspects to oppose him. Meanwhile, The Spectre leaves a Hal Jordan aspect to watch Helen Jordan, who explains some of God to her.

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