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KANE, GIL / ANDERSON - Green Lantern #56 large cover, GL vs 1957

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Murphy Anderson Inker
Gil Kane Penciller

The Green Lanterns' Fight for Survival!
Script John Broome (credited)
Pencils Gil Kane
Inks Anderson

CharactersGreen Lantern Corps [Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Green Lantern [Tomar-Re]; Green Lantern [Katma Tui]; Green Lantern [Charley Vicker](first in uniform); Green Lantern [Chaselon] (cameo); several unnamed Green Lanterns]; Roger Vicker (cameo flashback); Al Magone; Ashez; Zoraldo; unnamed aliens on Prison Planet; Dalbo (destroyed); a Guardian of the Universe

STORY Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and Tomar-Re are assisted by newly deputized Green Lantern Charley Vicker as they find and disable a fortress of aliens on a prison planet. The aliens are re-imprisoned. The prisoners were lead by earth criminal Al Magone, and were using one of the alien robots as the power source for Mini-Nucleo weapons that neutralize the emerald power and allowed them to kill Green Lanterns across the universe. Charley Vicker is given his own space sector to patrol, but it is not named.

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