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KIRBY, JACK - X-Men #8 large pg, Beast 1st quits team & solo story - intro 1st page Unus the untouchable 1964

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Artists: Jack Kirby Penciller

Hank / Beast quits the X-Men for the first time and this is his first solo story.

As a wrestler, he is introduced to an opponant, who is also a new mutant - Unus the untouchable in his first appearance and introduction page.

This is a six panel battle page.

UNCANNY X-MEN (1963) #8 PUBLISHED November 01, 1964 WRITER Stan Lee PENCILLER Jack Kirby Fed up with ungrateful homo sapiens, the Beast leaves the X-Men to enter the wrestling ring! Too bad he finds Unus the Untouchable waiting to knock him down without lifting a finger!

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