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PACELLA, MARK / BILL WRAY - Hulk 2099 #11 cover, end of series 1995

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Bill Wray Inker
Mark Pacella Penciller

John Eisenhart (Earth-928)
guilt of getting all of the Knights killed, John swore to protect Gawain, the last of the Knights of Banner.
In a power fight, the bomb detonated and triggered a massive earthquake. The earthquake set off the gamma device that resulted in a massive explosion, laying waste to the city. John emerged from the rubble, mutated even more so by the radiation emitted from the device.[2] His mutation stabilized and he returned to his original form just prior to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived in the region. While battling them, John seemingly perished.[3]

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