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KIRBY, JACK - Journey Into Mystery #120 pg 7, Thor & Odin - Asgard & Earth 1965

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Artists: Jack Kirby All

Journey into Mystery #120 1965

With My Hammer in Hand...!

Script Stan Lee
Pencils Jack Kirby

Thor; Odin; Ularic the Warlock; Don Blake; Avengers [Scarlet Witch;Quicksilver; Hawkeye]; Hooded Man [Harris Hobbs]; Jane Foster; Loki (villain); Absorbing Man [Crusher Creel] (villain)

Thor repairs his damaged hammer in a furnace in Pittsburgh and then returns the enchanted Norn Stones to Odin in Asgard. Loki, in servitude to Ularic the Warlock, imprisons his new master. Thor returns to Earth to find Blake's surgery has closed and that Jane Foster is missing. He tries to enlist the aid of the Avengers to find her, but discovers that most of his old allies have left the group. Hawkeye's brash attitude offends Thor and he leaves too. Loki, meanwhile, has used Ularic's enchantments to reach into outer space and bring back Thor's old foe, the Absorbing Man. He's not happy!

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