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KIRBY, JACK - Journey Into Mystery #89 large pg 11, early Thor & Jane Foster using flying powers - signed 1962

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Artists: Jack Kirby Penciller

Journey Into Mystery #89 cover date - Feb 1963

Starring the Mighty...Thor! The Most Colorful Super Hero of All!!!

7th Thor in series 6th appearance Jane Foster

Thor [Doctor Donald Blake]; Jane Foster; Thug Thatcher (Mob Leader, introduction); Vince (introduction); Max (introduction); Ruby (introduction); Thatcher Mob (introduction); Odin (cameo)

A gangster, wounded in an escape, has his men kidnap Dr. Blake to operate on his gunshot wound. Blake transforms himself into Thor and brings the gang to justice and rescues Jane as well.

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