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KIRBY, JACK / BILL EVERETT - Tales to Astonish #79 large pg 10 Hulk & Hercules 1966

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Artists: Bill Everett Inker
Jack Kirby Penciller

"The Titan and the Torment

script by Stan Lee,
art by Jack Kirby and Bill Everett;

Zaxon tries to sap the power of the Hulk for his own nefarious ends but ends up getting himself killed in the process; Free once again, the Hulk rips up some train tracks to throw at pesky fighter jets and wouldn't you know that Hercules just happens to be riding in the oncoming locomotive; Hulk and Herc battle to a standstill before the jade giant leaps off to fight another day.

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