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KIRBY, JACK / Ogden Whitney - Strange Tales #149 large pg, SHIELD Nick Fury Dum Dum Gabe in Hydra HQ & trap 1966

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Artists: Ogden Whitney Inker
Jack Kirby Penciller

Strange Tales #149 page

Nick Fury stars in "The End of A.I.M.!",

script by Denny O'Neil and Jack Kirby (co-plot),
pencils by Jack Kirby

inks by Ogden Whitney

A.I.M. agents steal an LMD which turns out to be the real Nick Fury; The Heli-Carrier is on high-alert after Fury's leap and Sitwell plants a tracer on Count Royale as he rushes out; A pair of fleeing A.I.M. agents are met by one of the Secret Empire, which is a branch of "THEM"!; The A.I.M. men are gassed unconscious by Gabe Jones working undercover; Jasper trails Royale to A.I.M.'s hidden base just before it explodes;

Some elements of the plot cross over with Tales to Astonish 82-85 and Tales of Suspense 79-84

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