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BACHALO, CHRIS / TOWNESEND - X-Men #199 pg, Cable revives Rogue in hospital

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Artists: Chris Bachalo Penciller

X-Men #199 2007
Condition Critical Part 3

Script Mike Carey
Pencils Chris Bachalo
Inks Tim Townsend

With the X-Men unable to defeat the Hecatomb, Urizen has Cable wake Rogue up from the hospital where she is dying from the deadly Strain 88. Rogue flies in and saves the day by stealing the billions of souls trapped in the Hecatomb which cures her of her malady, but makes her a little cold and a little crazy in the process.

Characters in issue

X-Men [Cable; Rogue; Iceman; Cannonball;
Mystique; Lady Mastermind; Omega Sentinel [Karima Shapandar]];

Urizen Mummudrai;

Hecatomb; CAMEO: Sabertooth

panels 5 and 6 have a heart monitor EFX overlay

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