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EISNER, WILL / Zolnerowich - Smash Comics #14 large pg 3, Espionage Starring Black X 1940

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Artists: Will Eisner Penciller

Smash Comics #14 1940

Espionage Starring Black X - 9 pages

Script and pencils - Will Eisner (signed as Erwin)

Dan Zolnerowich Inks / finishes Dan Zolnerowich

Black X resigns his commission due to his love for Madame Doom, but her plan to use her men as human explosives so revolts him, he changes his mind.

Espionage [Black X]; Batu; Madame Doom (villain); Mirov (villain)

Note, like some surviving pages, this page was cut in half to prevent unauthorized reprints.. So, only the lower portion in the artwork.... The upper portion is a recreated mechanical.

From the Denis Kitchen Collection.


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