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Bissette, Steve / Tom Yeates - Deadtime Stories #1 painted cover 1987

Media Type: Paint - Acrylic
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Tom Yeates Painter
Steve Bissette Penciller

The Prospector's Luckiest Strike! 5 pages
Script Suzanne Lord
art - Stephen R. Bissette

A Toast to Mr. Dalyrimple!
Script Suzanne Lord
art Stephen R. Bissette
Astral Ecology: Soul Eater Script Stephen R. Bissette
art Stephen R. Bissette

No Place Like Home!
Script Suzanne Lord
art - Stephen R. Bissette

Mike Mignola
Jim Starlin Inks Jim Starlin
Al Milgrom Inks Al Milgrom
Arthur Adams
Paul Gulacy Inks Paul Gulacy
Walter Simonson
Stephen R. Bissette

Head Count!
Script Stephen R. Bissette
art - Stephen R. Bissette

Revenge of the Fly Script Norm Breyfogle
art - Norm Breyfogle

The Villagers' Victory!
Jane Stine; R. L. Stine art The Kubies (as Joe Kubert School)
Co-author Bob Stine would later make it big writing the "Goosebumps" books as R. L. Stine. For more of his early collaborations with Steve Bissette, see FEAR BOOK, published by Eclipse.

The Unkindest Cut!
Script Suzanne Lord
art - Stephen R. Bissette

for sale

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