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ROMITA, JOHN JR / KLAUS JANSON - Wolverine #30 pg 6- Wolvie sees Northstar at Shield lab 2005

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Artists: John Romita Jr. Penciller

Wolvie has follow-up with Northstar after his near death

lettering on overlay

Wolverine (2003 2nd Series) #30
Published Sep 2005 by Marvel.

"ENEMY OF THE STATE" AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D: Part 5 of 6 - Written by Mark Millar
Pencils & inks by John Romita JR and Klaus Janson.
Who else wants some? Wolverine continues to dole out the punishment, and the bad boys keep lining up to get it. With his to-do list of villains to crush shrinking by the minute, Wolverine sets his sights on the brass ring: the new Supreme Hydra himself. It's a grudge match like you've never seen before!
Characters: Wolverine; Guest starring: Elektra; Emma Frost [White Queen]; Kitty Pryde; Rachel Summers; Beast; Iceman; Dr. Weinberg; Dum Dum Dugan; SHIELD
VILLAINS: Gorgon; Elsbeth VonStrucker (Death); The Hand; AIM; CAMEOS: Tombstone; Man-Bull; Warhawk; Constrictor; Rhino; Nick Fury

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