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CHAYKIN, HOWARD - Mighty Avengers #27 cover, 50s Happy Days w/ Wasp(Henry Pym), Jocasta

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Howard Chaykin All

Limited (1 for 10) 50s Decade Variant cover by Howard Chaykin. Dark Reign Tie-in.

Written by Christos Gage & Dan Slott. Doom, Thor, Black Bolt, Black Panther, Ka-Zar, Namor...

There are many monarchs in the Marvel Universe, but only one so powerful and so reviled that he had to be written out of history. He is The Unspoken. And his return will have dire consequences on both our world and worlds beyond.

The start of a new storyline that will bring dishonor for one Mighty Avenger, redemption for another, a family reunion, and ties to both Dark Reign and War of Kings.

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