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DWYER, KIERON - Avengers #53 cover, Captain America & Avengers vs Kang! 2002

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Kieron Dwyer All

Artists: Kieron Dwyer All

Avengers (1997 3rd Series) #53 Published June 2002 by Marvel

Writer Kurt Busiek
Interior art by Kieron Dwyer & Rick Remender

With the horrific memory of Kang's attack on Washington etched in their minds, the time has come for the Avengers to live up to their name! It's all-out combat for the future of our planet, as the Earth's Mightiest Heroes kick butt like never before! You thrilled when Thor cut loose -- now it's Captain America's turn!

"The Last Castle"

Avengers ⏴ Firestar ⏵ ⏴ Living Lightning ⏵ ⏴ Photon ⏵ ⏴ Quasar ⏵ ⏴ Thor ⏵ Captain America Vision Jack of Hearts Justice Triathlon Black Knight Stingray Wasp Wonder Man Warbird Firebird Iron Man Yellowjacket

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