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LIM, RON - Avengers #339 cover, Avengers vs Avengers in the clutches of The Collector 1991

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Ron Lim Penciller

Cover by Ron Lim and Tom Palmer

"Final Redemption" Part 6 of 6 of the Collection Obsession storyline.
Guest-starring the Watcher

Script by Bob Harris
Pencils by Steve Epting.
Inks by Tom Palmer

Shock follows shock in the pulse-pounding conclusion to the Collection Obsession! The ancient elder of the universe has turned the tables on both the Avengers and the Brethren! And now the conniving Collector transforms the Brethren into deadly bacteria to infect the Earth! Time is of the essence! The alien germs will contaminate the general population in a matter of minutes! Cap, Sersi, Quasar, and the Vision try to contain the outbreak, while Hercules, Iron Man, and Crystal trade blows with the Collector! However, the key to victory lies with Thane Ector and his Fool. In their final hour, can the Brethren overcome their legacy and rewrite their history in the stars? A powerful ending! Final appearance of the Brethren.

Flashback cameo by the Celestials.

Avengers Lineup: Beast, Black Knight, Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain America, Henry Pym, Hercules, Iron Man, Quasar, Rage, Sersi, and the Vision.

(Note: The Avengers previously battled the Collector in Avengers 174.)

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