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BUCKLER, RICH - Fantastic Four #196 unlinked cover, Thing & Alicia, Human Torch & Invisible Woman 1978

Media Type: Pencil
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Rich Buckler Penciller

Artists: Rich Buckler Penciller

Rich Buckler using the name "Validar" because of his DC contract. This first cover was not used or inked when it was redrawn by Perez into a split image. Who in the World Is the Invincible Man?

Script Marv Wolfman (credited)

Pencils Keith Pollard (credited) (breakdowns);
Pablo Marcos (credited) (finished art) Inks Pablo Marcos (credited)

on cover....
Fantastic Four:
Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; Invisible Girl [Susan Storm Richards]; Mister Fantastic [Reed Richards] (as Invincible Man); The Thing [Ben Grimm]
Alicia Masters (illusion)
Franklin Storm (illusion)

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