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PEREZ, GEORGE / GENE DAY - Marvel Two-In-One #58 half Splash pg 30, half splash - Pegasus Project: Thing, Thundra, Quasar, Aquarian, Black Goliath 1979

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Splash Page
Artists: George Perez Penciller

Gene Day Inker
George Perez Penciller

The Pegasus Project. Part 5 of 6. Guest-starring Wundarr, Thundra, Giant Man (Bill Foster), and Quasar.

Story by Mark Gruenwald and Ralph Macchio. Art by George Perez and Gene Day.

The villains Klaw and Solar are giving our heroes all they handle. Plus, when the mysterious and powerful Wundarr shows up, whose side will he fight for?

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