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BYRNE, JOHN - Superman & Batman: Generations III #5 cover, Wonder Woman, Batman w/ Batman Jr dying 2003

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: John Byrne All

Superman and Batman

Script John Byrne
Pencils John Byrne
Inks John Byrne

Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Bruce Wayne, Jr. (death); Wonder Woman [Diana Trevor]; Knightwing [Clark Wayne]; Supergirl-Red [Lois Wayne]; Supergirl-Blue [Lara Wayne]; Mrs. Bruce Wayne (flashback); Talia al Ghul (flashback); Cyril Worden (flashback); Robin [Bruce Wayne, Jr.] (flashback)

In the 24th century, Bruce Jr. falls in battle. While his son is dying, Batman remembers an old adventure with him. Meanwhile, the effects of the blackout bomb finally disappear.

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