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SWAN, CURT - Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane #96 cover pencils. + Lana 1969

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Curt Swan Penciller

Artists: Curt Swan penciller 1st pencil version- redesigned by DC. - with Lois and Lana moved to the back

includes free bonus ink version - not the published inks

October, 1969
The Girl Who Died for Superman!
Three psychiatrists fake being aliens from another dimension and Superman to put Lois and Lana through a scenario which will demonstrate how the emotion of love will drive them to extremes. But the women see through the hoax and run a counter-hoax of their own on the testers.

Writer Cary Bates

Penciler Irv Novick

for sale

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