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KANE, GIL - Giant-Size Fantastic Four #2 cover, Watcher sends Thing to Roarin' 20's 1974

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Gil Kane Penciller

KANE - inked by SINNOTT

, Watcher sends Thing to Roarin' 20's

Giant Size Fantastic Four (1974) #2 Published Aug 1974 by Marvel
Title was formerly Giant-Size Super-Stars

"Cataclysm!" Guest-starring the Watcher

Story by Gerry Conway Someone has accidentally activated the time machine at the Baxter Building and created havoc on Earth! The FF must travel back in time to repair the damage. Mr. Fantastic and the Human Torch journey back to the American Revolution to free George Washington,
while Medusa and the Thing go back to the Roaring 20's. Fantastic Four members: Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, Medusa, and the Thing.

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