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WAGNER, RON / BOB McLEOD - GI Joe, A Real American Hero #70 cover, Wild Bill with a gun held to his head 1988

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Ron Wagner All

Fair Trade

Script Larry Hama
Pencils Ron Wagner
Inks Randy Emberlin

Monkeywrench [Bill Winkie]; Thrasher [Bruno LaCrosse]; Zarana

G.I. Joe:
Crazylegs [David O. Thomas]; Hawk [Clayton M. Abernathy]; Maverick [Thomas P. Kiley]; Psyche-Out [Kenneth D. Rich]; Roadblock [Marvin F. Hinton]; Wild Bill [William S. Hardy] Iron Grenadiers: Destro

Two teams of Joes are trapped in Sierra Gordo and have to try and hoof it out of the country with hostile troops looking for them under the N.A.B.M.'s control. Destro helps out the team led by Hawk (and makes an offer to help out El Jefe vs. the N.A.B.M.), while the other team has to walk out of the jungle after their plane was damaged last issue, with both refugees and Dreadnoks in tow.

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