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MIDDLETON, JOSHUA - NYX #7 alternate cover C. Kiden's friend Kara - final issue - 2005

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Josh Middleton All

first cover C figure - One of three heroines for final trio.
Kiden Nixon's friend Kara
Changed to Tatiana (animal powers) for final cover of three heroines

final issue- 2005

drawn on full 11 b y 17 art board

Artists: Josh Middleton who noted on back -
"Nyx #7 unused cover element"

The only NYX cover having all three heroines. The only NYX cover with X-23 that was penciled & inked... the other two were pencils only.

Each of the three art figures was drawn on a separate 11 by 17 board and edited together

from the same collection of the published three boards A B C
- The A cover was also signed to Lou

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