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ANDREWS, KAARE - Spider-Man: Reign #2 cover, Venom variant 2007

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Kaare Andrews All

shown next to comic book as reference

Spider-Man Reign (2006) #2 Published Mar 2007 by Marvel.

SECOND Printing cover by Kaare Andrews

A searing vision of Spider-Man's future, brought to you by rising star Kaare Andrews (INCREDIBLE HULK). They're whispering about it on the streets. He's back. Come down from the mountain like a righteous wraith of vengeance, dispensing rough justice and then swinging off into the night. For Mayor Waters, who rules over the Big Apple with an iron hand, this is a public relations nightmare -- and it's got to be dealt with pronto. Luckily for him, he has a contingency plan for this type of situation -- and it's sitting right there, in the Vault. Six hard men, with axes to grind. All Waters has got to do is wind them up and point them.

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