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BUSCEMA, JOHN - Silver Surfer #6 cover, Surfer vs Overlord in future Earth 1969

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: John Buscema Penciller

with Marvel' paste-over on overlay, but with the original art underneath

Worlds Without End!

Pencils John Buscema
Inks John ?; Sal Buscema ?

Worlds Without End! - 39 pages
Script Stan Lee
Pencils John Buscema
Inks Sal Buscema
Colors Bill Everett

Silver Surfer; Shalla Bal; The Overlord (villain, first appearance, origin, death)

The Silver Surfer exceeds the speed of light, in an effort to escape the barrier placed by Galactus, only to find that he has travelled into the future.

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