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LIEBER, LARRY / Romita & Esposito assist on gal & Ghoul - Vault Of Evil #16 cover, Bride & Ghoul, grave honeymoon 1974

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Larry Leiber Penciller

Larry Lieber with Romita assist on bride
Inks - Mike Esposito

art - Jay Scott Pike
Editing - Stan Lee
A woman murders her husband for his money but when she reads his will, she notices he forgot to sign it. She pays a medium to summon his spirit to get him to sign it, but she finds herself transported into her husband's coffin with the dead man, not the other way around.

from Mystery Tales (Marvel, 1952 series) #21 (September 1954)

The Honeymooners
art - Tony Mortellaro
Editing - Stan Lee

A man strangles his new bride, and when confronted by a neighbor, is told to mind his own business because that is what she wanted. He is a ghost and now his wife is a ghost, too.

from Mystic (Marvel, 1951 series) #21 (July 1953)

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