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SMITH, PAUL - X-Factor #44 cover, Archangel battles The Chosen! 1989

Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Paul Smith All

X-Factor (1986 1st Series) #44
Published Sep 1989 by Marvel

Judgement War! Part 2 of 7
"Another World!"
Story by Louise Simonson
Art by Paul Smith
In the aftermath of last issue's events, X-Factor finds themselves on a far off strange world. It is a world of mutants. It is a world at war. On one side are the Perfects, mutants who could pass for human, and on the other is the Rejects, mutants who are shunned simply because of their appearance. It's a war that has raged for generations and X-Factor is now caught in the middle.

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